I'm a composer, performer and sound artist. I have been designing my own computer-based sound processing instruments/environments for more than 20 years, to create uniquely rich, spatialised music and sound. Often collaborative my work encompasses composing, field recording, live electronics, interactivity and improvisation. I make standalone electroacoustic works, music for instruments and voices, music and sound design for dance, film and installation.
Find out more about my work, listen to sounds and watch videos here.
I teach composition and direct the Electroacoustic Studios at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland where I was made Professor in 2017, and I'm a keen tango dancer.

Recent recordings
OTSEGO voice, flute and electronics with Stephanie Lamprea and Richard Craig on bandcamp
The Salutation (clarsach and tape) played by Sharon Griffiths on Scottish Voices' Crossing Musical Frontiers (CD and streaming)
Music for Schrödinger by Reckless Sleepers on Digital Theatre+
Scatter for tuba and electronics on looking out | looking up by 'a cellar full of noise' for TNW Music
Postcards voice and electronics with Stephanie Lamprea on bandcamp
A confluence of birds a collaboration with Nicholas Virgo on SoundCloud
when feathers appear clarsach and electronics with Catriona McKay (CD and streaming)
The moss and the cosmos music/sound design for film (YouTube)
Harponium Electrosessions clarsach and electronics with Catriona McKay (CD and streaming)
Cabinets de curiosité solo CD on empreintes DIGITALes (CD and bandcamp)
Untold Story voice and electronics with Anne-Liis Poll on Leo Records (CD and streaming)
Free Radicals with Anne-Liis Poll, Mieko Kanno, Anto Pett and Aaron Shorr on Leo Records (CD and streaming)
Find me on Soundcloud and